Our research and extension programs have been covered by a number of regional and national media (e.g., The Washington Post, Discovery News, Sun Sentinel, State Public Television). I have also worked closely with journalists on press releases on a number of research papers which were featured in the university news and other major websites. I also worked with science writers on several research briefs that were developed for policymakers and land managers based on my research findings. Through all these avenues, I was able to engage and communicate my science to broader audiences, and highlight findings and implications of my research and extension in ways that are accessible and meaningful to diverse stakeholder groups. I included major media coverage in the following:
News Article, “Sustainable urban food production workshop series returning to Davie”, SUN SENTINEL, by Brett Shweky, August 24, 2021.
Press Release, “Back by popular demand: UF/IFAS Extension Broward urban sustainable food production short-course”, UF/IFAS BLOG, by Lourdes Mederos, July 29, 2021.
News Article, “Varying annual rainfall could affect Florida ranchers”, NAPLES DAILY NEWS, by Karl Schneider, February 9, 2021.
Radio Interview, “IFAS Climate study”, SOUTHEAST REGIONAL AG NEWS, by Trevor Williams, February 1, 2021.
Press Release, “USDA grant looks at mitigating climate change impacts on Florida grasslands”, MORNING AGCLIPS and SOUTHWEAST AG NET, by Lourdes Mederos, January 24, 2021.
Television Interview,“Indoor, vertical farming becoming more of a reality, UF researchers find”, WINK NEWS, by Stephanie Byrne, June 5, 2020.
Press Release, “Is indoor farming a solution? UF/IFAS scientists explain”, VEGETABLE GROWERS NEWS, by Lourdes Mederos, May 14, 2020.
News Article, “Getting a jump on jumping worms”, NO-TILL FARMER, by Julia Gerlach, 8 August, 2020.
News and Views, “Including the subsurface in ecosystem services”, by P. James Dennedy-Frank, 2019, Nature Sustainability 2: 443-444.
Press Release, “Looking below the surface for landscape resilience”, by Tom Ziemer, March, 2019, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON NEWS.
NSF Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Science Update, “Maintaining ecosystem services in the Yahara watershed and beyond”, by Alex Jamis, July 2018.
Interview, “One thing leads to another: Causal chains linking health, development, and conservation”, BIOSCIENCE TALKS, by James Verdier, April, 2018.
Press Release, “One thing leads to another: Causal chains linking health, development, and conservation”, by James Verdier, BioScience, published in EurekAlert; also printed in SCIENCE DAILY, Feb 2018.
Press Release, “Evidence principles for sustainability challenges”, by COOL GREEN SCIENCE, December, 2018.
Press Release, “Connecting the dots between social inequalities and environmental change”, Stockholm Resilience Center, Sweden, November, 2018.
Research on invasive earthworms highlighted in US Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Science Update. March, 2017.
PBS documentary, “Yahara Watershed: A Place of Change”, WISCONSIN PUBLIC TELEVISION, 2016.
News Article, “Invasive ‘Jersey Wriggler’ jumping worms devouring forest floors”, THE WASHINGTON POST, 2016.
Press Release, “Voracious Asian jumping worms strip forest floor and flood soil with nutrients”, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON NEWS; also printed in SCIENCE DAILY and other media outlets, 2016.
Newspaper Article, “Worming their way into Wisconsin”, ISTHMUS, 2016.
Research highlighted in WISCONSIN PUBLIC RADIO: “Invasive Asian jumping worm could cause problems for Wisconsin’s forests, farms”, 2016.
Mini-documentary, Changes and Choices in the Yahara, featured perspectives on landscape analysis of ecosystem services, 2016.
Newspaper Article, “Land arrangement alters water quality”, DAILY CARDINAL, 2016.
News Article, “Earthworms: Can these gardeners’ friends actually become foe”, SCIENCE NEWS for STUDENTS, 2016.
News Article, “How will drought affect US maize and soybean production?” ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH WEB, 2016.
Press Release, “Small landscape changes can mean big freshwater gains”, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON NEWS; also printed in SCIENCE DAILY and other media outlets, 2015.
Newsletter, International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE) Student Spotlight, US-IALE Newsletter, 2015.
Interview, NATURE, “Petition calls for lay summaries in ecology journals”, 2015.
DISCOVERY NEWS, “Invasive Jumping Earthworm Found in the Midwest”, 2014.
Press release, “Ecologists map the benefits of our ecosystems”, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON NEWS; also printed in SCIENCE DAILY and other media outlets, 2013.